motion capture

This week is to try to apply mocap using human IK to the rig, first bring the mocap fbx file into the Maya file.

select the mocap rig and then right-click, assumed preferred angle. and the rig will jump to the T pose.

next step is to find the shoudler’s FKoffset option, and raise the arm into T-pose.

first, click the human IK on the left-hand side, then click the create character definition rig mapping. then go to the definition panel. add the mixmo rig ‘s xml file to the definition.

then shift +h to hide the mocap rig.

then click the x-ray joint buttton to bring the model ‘s joint in the front.

double click the leg on the definition character, and that part will turn to green, and then click the leg.

after all the rig is complete the skeleton definition.

then create a custom rig, and this time is to add the controller to the rig.

right click the arm controller and click the correspond point and add on to it.

after finishing this, can move bake to costumer rig and we can ajust the frame of the motion capture.