Performance animation

After getting feedback from Luke, I noticed that my animation having a big problem, that makes me need to delete all the keys I set on my character’s arm.

because I am did not noticed that the elbow can’t be twisted on the x and y-axis, the elbow can only be twisted on the z-axis, that is a big mistake, let my animation not feel well. so I delete all the keyframes on the x and y-axis and reanimate David and sam’s elbow.

accroding to this there is some thing else need to be noticed,

in this shoot, David lifting his arm up and then put his arm down to the clipboard, so the upper body should go up and then go down. but in my previous pelvis curve is too flat.

so I change this place and adding a more clear liftup and then put down.

and in this pose, the pelvis should slowly go back to the normal place, so I fix my curve in to a more smooth look.

in my previous version, my up and down on sam’s hip is not clear, so it will reduce the feeling of the movement.

also in this pose sam didn’t go down enough, so I put sam’s pelvis more lower and the back will more bend down, but also the over lapping will happens on his head, when sam raise his back, his head will raise up earlier then his back.

in the feedback video, Luke also give me an important advice, when the character getting setle. his plevis should go down.

so from frame 270 to 436, sam is setle, he almost just stand still and listening what another character saying. I turn the pelvis down in this intervel.

the next thing will be in the final part, sam come up too early when he been shocked.

so I move the frame to 448, he been shocked at this frame, and raise his pelvis up. and then go down.

and also sam’s feet will go back little earlier than he raise his upper body.

next part will moving to david.

David is sitting in a wheelchair all the time in this animation, at first I don’t think I should move his pelvis,. but Luke said that is a common mistake many animators will make. even the character is sitting on the chair, their hip will move up and down, it is subtle but need to have.

so I adding some small movement on David’s pelvis, now his animation looks way better.

polish the character

after fixing those problem in my animation, I still need to polish my animation, let the character looks more exagratted.

in this pose I let david head raise up while he put down his arm,

and when the arm go back to a normal place he put his head down swiftly.

the same as this part , he strech his neck to the front, and then go back slightly after he finishing talking.

the facial animation

I already make a reference for fical expression, and I put the sound in, and things getting easier.

and I found a video which teach people how to animate lip sync,

is really important that the eye, nose and browns are related, like this part,I animating David shouting,

his nose squeeze because he raised the mouth muscle and his browns put down, and the muscle under his eye come up.

like this “speeding !!!!” shot is the same, he pronounce will raise his upper lip, and squeeze his nose because he read this word loudly and hard.

one thing need to remember is don’t forget to blink the character’s eye, with the eye blinking, the character’s facial expression looks more natural.