performance animation


I going to start from sam.

in this pose, sam moves his arm in a curve, and his shoulder keeps raised up a little bit, and until he adjusts his arm comfortable holding clipboard and pen.

and next pose, will be the hand put on the clipboard first,and the pelvis move next.

and the continue pose is sam bend his back, and plevis will move back.

while he raise his back his pelvis will move forward first then the back raise up.

and sam pelvis will raise up either like taking a deep breathe.

then go back to the same position. sam will put down his arm then raise his head.

and the next pose won’t move much, the pelvis and had move slightly left or right, base on david action.

and then the astonished pose will be pelvis and feet move backward first, then the upperbody and head,

moving to the hand parts, first the hand will pick up the pen first. and then press the pen.

the hand will be hold the pen and wraist will move slightly. like writing things.

moving to david.

David doesn’t move a lot at first he is breathing quickly. then he quickly turned towards sam. and body turning back first then head.

then the next pose will be david put down his arm heavily and bend his back.

david poseture always will be arm go down first then lower arm then hand.

then the final pose will be david put down his arm heavily then breanth quickly.

The next part will be the hand animation, there are few things that I need to notice is the finger will grab the leg tight while the emotion goes mad. like the last part.

and this part is to animate david raise his hand to do the pointing posture, I want the overlap happening on the fingers, the first be raised will be the small finger and then the fourth finger and so on.

and in this shot I want david striaght his finger and then grab his head hardly. then david all pose will finishing blocking part.

now moving to parenting part, I will need to parent sam’s pen and clip board, I try using animSnap on pen, and clip board.

the curves will be like this, I am using eruler fillter to fix the wrong place.

now the curves looks better.

but I need to fix the details of the clip board, because the clip board been changed hand in different time, and the clip board actually been moved fixable.

in the frame 100 the clipbpard change from left hand to right hand , so I change the master of parenting , it been change to right hand.

and I need to aniamte the finger at the smae time, to make sure I put fingers in right place.

and i use the tool, to control the curves let the clip board motion could be smoother.