Houdini week 8

this week is to explain what is rigid body and soft body.

we create a vellumsolver node, this is used to create the soft body.

and then a gird as a cloth and a tours,

it not gonna work with out the vellumconstraints node.

and then connect them like this, and hit play we will get a stimulation like this.

the result is not good is because the pologons of grid is not enough. so I add up the rows to 30.

now the stimulation getting better, but we going to add the remesh node to add more triangle to the cloth.

and hit play the stimulation getting way more better.

and also we could add some wind in the vellumsolver.

and for realistic result mehdi recomeend us to always add some wind drag.

The next step will be how to add the high-resolution mesh for stimulation but add the low resolution. we will need the point to deform node,

and connect the first input to the grid node.

and the second input to the remesh and the last inout will connect to the vellumsolver node.

and it will have the same dynamic applied to this low resolution mesh.

next step we will be using the rubber toy to test the soft body stimulation,

because the model is been model by seperate part, so we need a boolean node to put then together.

and create the vollume cloth node and vellumpressure node, and connect them like this.

vellum pressure is to add the contraint to the model, and hit play the rubber toy will be like a ballon without gas.

to control the rest length scale to 10, and hit play the rubber tody will be like being blow up.

if we add dynamic scale to 0.1, the rubber toy will fly to the sky.

and then we gonna test the tetconform node,

and connect this to the other node like this.

the tetconform is help to keep the volume and the shape.

it will like the rubber toy be filled with other material but air.

next will be the hair stimulation,

we gonna name this geo into T pose, to start the groom, we will need to create a guide node called guide groom node,

and connect it to the second input.

and the guide been created.

next will be the hair gen node, it is where the final hair been create,

also plug into the second input.

and we will see some attribute been directly create under the geo node.

we could use the paint length scale node to paint the hair on the rubber toy.

we can using the texture in the guide groom node, it will create a same result.

press I and goindise the guide groom node, I add some differnet node to try different hair effect to the rubber toy.

and I add one more guide process node to let the hair looks more natrual. though adjsuting it’s minmum length in operation panel.

and the next node can also create differnt natrual hair style is guide initialize node, when we plug in to it ,the toy hair looks more soft they having a natrual angle than before.

we can see some natrual fur grow on the ribber toy though the hair gen node.