Houdini week 7

week 7 will keep going on fracture the building,

choose ‘select from name’, we gonna isolate the pillar,

and then create a vdb from polygons node,

and create a scatter node. then an attribute randomize node, and copy to points node.

and then we will see the building’s grid randomrize result like this

and we need to add more details to the gird, we will need to add the mountain node,

we can adjust the intensity though the height .

add a boolean fracture node and explosive view to view how the pillar gonna fracture.

we gonna copy these node to the other pillar.

next steo is to optimized the file, we gonna choose the part not gonna been fracture,

according to the stone motion trail, we will found the lower part on the right-hand side, not gonna fracture.

to get a more accurate result, we create a big sphere help us to select the building wich part gonna be fracture.

create an object merge node, convert node and a sphere, to copy the same motion as the stone, and next step is to larger the size of the sphere.

add a timeshift node to stop the sphere we feel the result is good.

then create an assemble node to pack the geometry,

and create a vdb from the polygon node, and our selection of active and in the active objects is finished.

then we going to use compiler to organize the node.

after the timulation, we found there is a problem, because the boolean fracture,

we gonna use the remesh to try to fix this situation.

create a switch node, and type in the expression.’ bbox (0, 0_xsize)>bbox(2,0_xsize)

it means, when the bounding boc gets bigger here, after this part fracture, will switch to this method.

problem is solved.

moving to the pillar, we could add one more spir parameter, copy and paste the boolean fracture, to the blank.

and then create a file cache, save these to disk.

now moving to the glass, glass will be pretty much the same as the bricks and pillar, we going to create a conectivity node and foreach node at first.

and we going to use the rbd material fracture node,

and using the assemble node and below this we going to use group and split node,to split out the window going to break.

and change the material type to glass in the rbd marterial fracture node.

and add more ditail on the radial crack number.

then set the detail size 0.4, and noise frequency to 0.7.

but the stimulation not gose well, is because the poly reduce node,

and we going to create another expression on switch. the expression is nprims(-1) == 0.

then create the rbd bullet solver node, and use assemble node to pack them.

next step is to create some constraint, and deal with the larger pieces,.

create the exploded view node under the filecache.

then using the name attribute to select the piecies.

and using the blast to delet the selected pieces.

and we add the constraint by using the rbd constraint fromrules node.

and create a null to check the constraint is right.

and select the connection type to surface point,

we going to delete some constraint we not gonna use,

after the constraint the fracture getting better.

now moving to the rigid body stimulation, we using time shift node to select the frame that we going to do the rigid body stimulation.

create a trailpath node, we could use the trail node to create explosion.

I am gonna use the direction to control the stone.

and create the volume rasterize attribute node, to create the particles on the trail and adjust the size.

to create the smoke we gonna use the pyro solver node.

and add the arnold light to make the smoke better.