Gameplay animation week6

after I sent Luke my second version normal attack gameplay, Luke gave my many useful feedback. so today’s mission will be fixing those problems I have.

the first problem will be the character’s waging his shoulder not powerful enough, in the feedback video, Luke show me that my body needs to twist more and the shoulder will close to the character’s chin.

so I rotate the shoulder and upper body controller on the y-axis. and the shoulder needs to raise up. and I pull up the pelvis on the y-axis.

now the poseture looks much better.

move to the second posture, the motion trail of my shield does not look proper as well because I fix the last posture so the arc shows the mistake as well.

so I fix the arc into this.

the second mistake will be in the pose,

Luke recommend me to turn the pelvis back,

so I turn his pelvis back and also the right knees controller need to be placed at the front, to keep the body balance, and Luke mention a very important thing is remember to check the body shape, the shape always need to be smooth not in wired angle.

and the problem that needs to be mix is the shied angle, in this posture, the left arm will come back so the shield will straight forward to the camera.

so turn back the shoulder controller and upper arm controller, and make sure the arc looks smooth.

in the next posrture the shield will be more straight twards the camera.

so I rotate the shoulder on the z-axis, and now the poseture looks more powerful.

in this posture Link’s body shape fold in an unsmooth shape, and the problem is because the position of the pelvis is incorrect.

when the pelvis in a right postion the body shape looks smooth and more comfortable.

in this posture will be the next posture not reasonable enough, the arm with shield need to come back with the arm with sword same time, and the angle sword swing arc will not from back to the front, will be like from top to the ground.

so I straight up the sword and change the direction of the sheild.

the sword motion trail been changed into from top to front.

this is how my normal attack animation final looks for now, but I will keep doing this after that, to fixing the lighting and camera setting.