collabration project for indel film3

this week is to start to do the second shot, my second shot will be car starting loding control on the way before fliping.

here is the reference I gonna use.

one of the video in the reference. will be the car moving between car,

this clip clearly shows how the car turning direction fast, just like a car losing control, the driver will move the steering wheel fast and try to control the car. and this camera clearly shows every detail of how the car move.

base on the reference I found, I draw a map how car motion trial will be like.

the car will deviate to the right-hand side and then left-hand side, and then turn straight immediately. After a short while, the car will start to swing in an s shape.

the s shape turning part will be the hardest part for me, because at first I am noticed when the car will go in to straight when it is turning, so at first, the s shape turning I make looks super wired.

but I decided to leave it now because I need to focus on the timing of deviation and bumping.

bumping and deviation is related to the car turning positon,befor the car body arrived the right postion, car body is already deviation to the right.and iti sitll having small deviaiton between the process.

after finishing the carbody deviation and bumping, Imoved to the car wheel and carbody moving part.

while I was animating the wheel, if the car turning to the right side wheel more deviation than the other side wheel, and the other side wheel will almost the same direction as the car body.

but I realized I was wrong, the difference I found may be because of the camera positon in my reference, I find some video that introduce how the car steering control the carwheel.

in this image from the video, it clearly shows how the car wheel moves, so I reconsider how the car wheel will move in my animation.

the back wheels of the car won’t turn as much as the front wheels, the back wheel is almost in the same direction of the car’s body move.

The next step will be to set the camera, at this time I am gonna use offset cam, the vanishing point will be the same as my reference footage, the vanishing point is in the middle of the shot

after setting up the camera, in the shot, I found my car unlike losing control, so I need to adjust my animation, I think is because of my reference, so I find more car losing control reference again.

in this video, I found out the while the car losing control, unlike sharp car turning, the turning while car losing control, the back part of the car’s body swings heavily.

so I need to adjust my animation,

accrodding to my new ref, I found that the car will having small swing the big rotation,

from0-70 frames small swing,70-140 big swing.

at frame 140 the car almost vertical to the road.

the car body moving is needs to be noticed as well, according to the reference, I could see how the car moving base on the line on-road.

in my final swing, the pivot will be the car’s back right wheel, and while swinging the car still because of the inertia moving to the right-hand side wheels.

next step will need to adjust the bump and deviation of car.

the big deviation is easily been seen in the reference, but the small deviation and bump are really hard to see, after adjusting the big deviation I keep find more references to support me.

i found another clip that show the deviation clearly,

in this clip the car deviation before the big swing, because the force of inertia, the car will deviation and bump rapidly,

my car ‘s big swing happen after frame 99 so I set some small deviation before this, and the small swing will also have small deviation happen, but weaker than the big one.

and the bumping part curves will looks like this, the bumping happens weaker than the deviation, the big bump will happens when the car start to lose control, because the car rapidly turning direction. and while swinging, the bumping will happen less.

next step moving to the car wheel, the car wheel move base on the car body ‘s movement, but car wheel lead the car body’s rotation, so they start to turning before car body dose.

my car wheels turn left then right then left. at first, I thought the wheel will move crazier, but in the reference, I found the wheel doesn’t move that much. so I based on what I saw in the reference, simpled animate the wheel.

I want to add more details to the wheel, so I add some cycle animation to the wheels, the wheel will be shaking in a small wave because of the engine.