collaboration project for indie film 4

this week is to fixing the car passing shot, Luke give me some feed back on my carpassing400 shot, the mainly problem will be

  1. the camera needs to be going towards the car, and sped past the car.
  2. exaggerated the car and wheel rumble and vibration

so I start from the car animation problem.

I exaggerated the devotion first, raise the point from 0.4 to 0.8. and fasten the change speed, because the camera needs to pass through the car fast, so the speed needs to be shortened. and the first devotion will be slightly faster than the second one

the next change will be the car moving up and down, I keep the car moving times, and exaggerated the car bump.

and the car rumble need to be exaggerated.

the next part will be the wheel moving, I turn off the polygons it helps me to much easier choose the wheel controller.

the wheel will go down first then back to the normal posotion

and the wheel on the left hand side will little bit slower than the right one.

and when I checked from the front cam ,I found in the front cam, the car animation really strong, but I not gonna weaken the car, beacuse while the camera is moving the car bumping and devation will weaken in the shot.

so I reset the camera, it towards the car directly,

in the aim cam the car animation looks less strong than the front cam.