collaboration project for indel film 2

this week Luke send us the form that shows every one of us, what shot we going to do, and my shot will be car passing0400, and car crushing 0100, and car crushing 0300.

the first shot will be car coming towards fastly. and this is the camera angle.

reference will using these

from time 0:32-0:34






first of all I need to referencing the car into my scene, and I found this tutorial that explain how to reference file clearly.

and now I can start animating. the main process to animate the car is similar to my first project. the difference is that I need to improve my animation.

the first change will be the car bouncing, the bouncing I create before is too regular, so make my car driving, unlike the real car, according to the reference I found. I changing the bouncing time.

during the first bouncing happened, the car bouncing will happen continuously, two small bounces than a large bounce. and the car go down speed often faster than the go up speed.

and the bouncing happens randomly, unpredictable. and my curves will be like this, in comparison with the old one, it becomes more random and more change between the curves.

and now create a new animation layer and selected the controller and add the selected object, then I need to create more variation movement on the y-axis. even driving straight, the car still will deviation to one direction.

when I research the reference I found, I noticed the deviation happens times lower than the bouncing. and will be like a slow bounce connect with a fast bounce and the deviation rhythm happens just like bouncing, slow then fast.

camera setting

according the footage we have, the scene will be the car driving from the end of the road towards the camera. so I am gonna use aim cam to do this.

the camera will start from 1000 on x-axis and end on 5500 on x_axis.

the camera needs to have transitioned, I try to slow down the car speed at first, the result looks bad. so I control the camera transition to let the car stay in the shot for a longer time. the camera setting won’t take too long, but after setting up the camera I noticed that my car bumping still not enough.

first step is to move the bumping from 0 to 27, because the first bump will happen on frame 71 and the car will be in the middle of shot.

and add more devitation on the car.

but the car wtill not look well. so I need to exagrated every bumping.