collabration project for indel film

Set up the scene

Luke record a tutorial to teach us how to set up the scene.

but the file I download has no texture, it is a bit hard to see where is the Pedestrian crossing is.

The next step is to set a parenting camera that will be easier for us to see how the cars move.

set a front cam to see the wheel movement.

these are the reference I used while I am doing the car animation.

8:01-8:34 have a long shot of car driving on the road

first step is to add a slightly tremble to the car on y-axis and z zixs. is beacuse of the engine is work in the car.

and I noticed in the reference car won’t keep completely straight. so I add the left and right swing slightly. but keep it infrequently.

and I create a new animation layer, that I could add move movement to the car, to let it more like a real car.

in the reference, I found the car will deviate to the left or right, and then bouncing back to the opposite side quickly and then go back to the middle slowly.

and the same as the bouncing happens on the z-axis. fast bouncing then getting slower and slower, while driving on the road, the road won’t flat like paper, there may be rocks or uneven ground, the first hit will happen fast then transform to the back wheel.

and it happens on the wheel as weel, I noticed that wheel will move and opposite side from carbody, while the car raise up the wheel will drop down.

first time render test

after first render, Luke give me some feedback.

Luke said I need to improve the bump on the car. so I exaggerated the bumping of the car. and the car body turning left and right.

and the movemnt of the rain gutter

rain gutter and most of the time rain gutter movement will in different speed slightly.