Houdini water practice

first step:

import the animation, select Import, and open the flim box fbx and then import the animation I download on mixamo, I would like to use this animation to do the water practice.

the import materials set as FBX shader nodes.

The next step is to create an object merge in the geometry node.

merge the surface and joints.

and then create a transform node to adjust the volume of the model.

after set up the character, I using the existing flip tank node to create the water tank under the character, is to drag and drop a water tank to the middle of the picture.

in the oncen source channel it have parameter to set up the tank size, position of the tank, water level and so on.

next step is to create the fluid, using the exisiting suction fluid node, select the suction fluid node and than select my model press enter and select the flip tank press enter, it wil shows up what you need to do in the below, just follow the step and click enter.

we can check the vdb representation of my character in this node, mode to the null volume node we will see the character’s vdb.

we will see the vdb is low so it will miss many details on it, so I select the suction target, and volume, voxel size, turn the size lower you will get more details vdb.

The next step is to go back to the suction tool to set up the inside and outside distance and the suction strength you want.

I want the water fluid can cover my character so I set it really high. and the inside and outside distance is the area of influence.

outside distance will control the amount of attraction of your geometry. I turn down the inside distance of my character and I see fewer particles being interacted with the tank.

go back to the suction target node and check the density scale, set to 0.01

this node can be used to interpolate deforming geometry, calculate point velocities, and create VDB Signed Distance volumes for fast and accurate DOPs collisions.

and tick on the fill interior.

go back to the flip solver, and set min substeps to 2, because we want the fluid to show up quickly.

The next step is the separation of the particles, we need the particles more close to each other so I set the number down to 0.05.

and then using a retime node, to reset the animation start time, I want it to wait for the water to have a rough shape of the character then starting to flair.