Gameplay animation week4

this week is to fixing the problems in my normal attack animation.

my main problems is on the spine and plevis.

we can see in this poseture my centre of gravity is unblance, so I need to move the upperbody or plevis to let the center of gravity stay in the middle.

and then I noticed that the upper body turnning back is not enough.

so I rotate the upperbody controller and pelvis controller more on z-axis.

and the knees controller need to be control as well.

in this part I turn the pelvis on the z-axis, the lower body needs to turn back more, at first the character’s pelvis is facing forward, that’s not enough.

the preparation pose for the turning,need to turn more back on z axis.

the next thing is to add bouncing on every big action interval. I decied to create a plate behind link’s arm and then animate the bouncing of his arms.

the bouncing happens between frames 17 to 20. and the next step is to control the rhythm between these frames. it needs to be slow then fast. so I move the arm, shoulder, pelvis controller to19.

and next bouncing will happens on links right arm

it happens on 84 to 86 frame.

and the last bouncing happen on frame133 to 135.

I found the bouncing I did is really unnatural so I think maybe there is something wrong with the rhythm. so I slow down Warwick Mellow’s animation to see the bouncing in his gameplay animation.

I noticed that the last bouncing is composed of 3 parts and the speed will be fast then slow. the first bouncing is because you using too much power to do an action and then the body inertia will let your body back a little. and the second bouncing is that you try to keep the body in balance. according to these, I adjust my key frame.

this is how the pelvis tangent looks the lat bouncing looks better.

and the next part is the process between this pose to this pose

this poseture seemd like the shoulder and upperbody not coordination. I try to find some back hand swing pose but I can’t find any nice reference, but I noticed that Tennis Backhand Swing could be my reference.

and the motion trial show that the back hand swing is not smooth enough.

I think this looks better than before. but it still looks not good enough, I think is because of my hand rotation. so I remove the hand rotation. keep my hand in the same direction.