Gameplay animation week3

keyframe time length adjustment

this week is to adjust my keyframe time length. I think one of the most important thing to get a nice gameplay animation is to make sure the time length between different pose.

first thing is to using the controller to set a character set.

at first, the blanking time between this pose and the after pose is too long. because my reference video blanking time is incorrect. so I select the keyframe and move them closer.

and the next thing is the overlapping of the hand, shoulder, and pelvis.

I move my pelvis keyframe from 43 to 40, because the shoulder’s keyframe is on 43. pelvis speed need to be slightly faster the shoulder’s speed.

next is the last part, waving the sword and turning back .

turning part need to be fast,

after the shield attack, the character needs to hold for a while.

so I duplicate the keyframe from 50 to 55

fingers setting

I goto the internet and find a sword model and using Link’s original shield, I found a picture that having the same design of link’s shield.

If you're wielding a shield, can you use the same hand to hold another  object? - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange

So I can use this reference and adust link’s fingers, after setting link’s hand properly, I can parent the shield with the arm controller.

after parenting, I the shield go though link’s body.

so I need to adjust the shoulder controller and arm controller avoid this problem happens.

sword parenting

I parent sword with link’s hand controller. just like shield parenting. I find some mistakes between the wrist and arm controller.

I adjust the arm controller on the y-axis and the wrist controller, to let the sword parallel with the shoulder.

and the pose after this is wrong too, I also need to adjust the arm and shoulder to let the sword direction is right.

in this posture, I found out the sword need to nearly straight before link stab to the front it will make the movement more powerful.

but I still find this pose not what I want, so I try to adjust the shoulder and the wrist roatation.

and the sword will stab the target from down to the top.

after that I noticed the first shield attack feet speed is incorrect, it needs to attach to the ground before the arm completes the shield attack wave.

so I adjust the timeline. move the key frame slightly forward.

from 20 to 18

and I raised the heel because at first, my feet slipping backward on the ground.

after this, I still go back and focusing on the impact of my animation

from this posture to the second posture need to be fast. and then stay a while in the second poseture.

so I adjust the timeline into this.

from frame 17 to frame 25 is the time link stay on the second posture, and the other is the process of waving the shield.

and I found a video talking about one iconic animation naruto’s fighting scene, it is really useful for me.

and always body comes first and then arms and hand moving.

cloth aniamtion

Link clothes have some controller on them, I try to start animate the clothes.

in the first frame, I drag the top controller out. and try to make the clothes look more vertical to the ground.

and my point to avoid these situations happens.

but the outcome is not good so I ask Luke how to do the cloth simulation, LUke recommend me a script called overlappy.

copy and paste the script to the script editor, and click run.

because I get feedback of my aniamtion from Luke today. I still need to fix my animation, so I am not gamma stimulate now.