Collaborative project week10

Lighting setup

before setup the stage lighting, I want to set up a natural surrounding light for my scene. so I add an HDRI to my skydome light, by watching this video I understand how to use the HDRI file in Maya.

Abbie, Mariana, and I have a meeting to discuss what kind of HDRI lighting suitable for our surroundings. we decided to pick one we like in these three HDRI lights.

I pick moonless golf, cause it seems the closest to my scene, the surrounding we add in the our scene has there default light,

like the summer mountain, I add the HDRI file to the skydome light and the scene looks too bright, so I delete the sunlight summer mountain have, and adjust the intensity of the skylight.

and this is what my final natural light looks like.

after setting the natural light up. I met my first problem. no matter normal light or Anorld light I put in my scene has no effect, they can’t illuminate my object. at that time I don’t know I can set the light up to 2000, so I thought I already set it to the highest number. so I drop a message in Discord, Emma and Kamil give me different advice to try to help me, and crystal dm me she said maybe it’s because of my light intensity, not enough. when I set to 2000 my light can illuminate my object in the scene, good to have classmates like them.:) I told Mariana this solution because she has the same problem as mine.

After solving this problem, I can finally start to analyze what light I am going to use in my scene, the first shot of my reference scene lighting is like this. I want this silhouette effect to my character, so I use area light to act as the LED screen at her behind, and look like the picture below.

but because I don’t have the projector behind, so the scene looks really boring, I try to find some zoetrope to add to my screen behind.

I create a polygon plate and import the png sequence to it, but the pattern didn’t what I want so I delete them. I keyframe my lighting to give it some animation, like the changing of color and turn on and off. and I learn how to use photometric light by this tutorial,

photometric light can have some nice effects, it kind of like point light, but different. an IES file library. can find a lot of nice photometric light effects.

you can import the effect you want in the photometry file, I set two pink photometric lights to light up both corners of my stage. lower the exposure to make it low profile. but give the stage some atmosphere. and add the fill light to my character.

the second shot lighting

my reference light will have some decoration spotlight behind the singer, and spotlight in front of the character, and some bright light to light up her face.

so I try to set up my light close to my lighting reference, first I only use one area light to light up her, but the result is not good enough, because using area light will make Jennie’s eye look like this. because Jennie’s eye color is light blue and her eyeball refective is too high.

柯南眼睛发光(第1页) - 要无忧健康图库

so I turn down the intensity of my area light and add a spotlight near her body, to light up her face and cloth, not her whole eyeballs. and the spotlight will create a nice light point reflection in her eye pupil.


after finishing the lighting. I move to the rendering part, I keep failed to use render farm render my scene. Luke help me to check out what’s going wrong, it is because of my unsolved file path, I delete something unnecessary in my scene, but their texture file will still show up in the file path, so they need to be deleted. when the file path been set up. my scene is been successfully rendered.