Collaborative project week9

facial expression and constraint microphone

today is to add facial expression to Jennie, while I try to add facial expression to Jennie I noticed a big problem when I animating a body, I create the character set and setting keyframe on a whole face accidentaly! I delete every frame on jennie’s facial rig and start to animate her facial expression.

in the 20s of the video, Beyonce didn’t have too many facial expressions, because she didn’t sing or talking, she walks down the stairs and walks to the front part of the stage.

while she standing in front of the stage she starts to interact with the audience, she smiles at the audience from left to the right.

at this part, Beyonce didn’t move her eyebrows a lot, and she loves to smile really big but didn’t squeeze her eyes.

she will lower her eyebrow make the eye contact looks really contract to the audience.

while she singing she like to half close her eyes and didn’t smile too much than before.

Jennie will close her eye while she turning her head and facing to the audience.

because I don’t have enough time to animate the phonemes, at this point, it won’t be hard to rig Jennie’s sing face, cause she usually doesn’t have too many facial expressions. but after the deadline, I will import the sound and animate Jennie’s phonemes.

Constraint microphone the waist

this is the first time I am using animsnap tool to constraint the microphone to Jennie’s waist, it is really useful. Luke taught us how to use the constraint tool in class, this tool is convenient and it helps me a lot to save my time.