Collabrative project week8

Camera setting

This week is to set up the cameras I going to use in the scene. I import the Arri_Alexa camera rig in my scene and try to set up some attribute on the panel but I still feel a little confused about what’s the difference between default, aim, offset camera.

I ask our groupmates for help, Mariana give me a nice explanation, which helps me to figure out the difference between them.

after that is to plan what kind of shots I going to use in my scene. according to my shot reference, the first shot will be a dolly shot, and I found a nice video to explain what’s the difference between a zoom shot and a dolly shot, zoom shot will not changing the spatial relationship of the surrounding, but the dolly shot will. Dolly shot could be the three-dimensional move, could be closer or further, or even tracking the object.

In my first shot, the camera will zoom in then zoom out and tracking my character walking down the stairs and then walking to the middle of the stage. first set up keyframe on the dolly rig, give it zoom in, zoom out and rotate effect then set up keyframe on the crane let the camera raise up.

The first shot was done! 🙂

move on to the second shot, the second shot is also a dolly shot, the camera will be placed behind the audience under the stage.

make sure the camera will not collision with the audience and the second shot setup like this.

the third shot is to aim at Jennie. it will be placed on the stage, I set a default cam on the stage

this is what the third scene will look like.

the fourth scene will use the same camera as the second shot, the camera behind the audience. it will turn from right to the left.

I need to make sure my camera won’t go through any audience body, which is unrealistic, so I empty the place it will go through. and my fourth shot will look like this.

move to the fifth shot, the fifth shot will use the camera on the stage, the camera will zoom out then stay still and zoom in,

zoom out
stay still
zoom in

the sixth shot is aimed at Jennie’s face. it will be an aim camera under the stage on the right-hand side, setting the focal length at 132.

the seventh shot will jump back to the camera on the stage.

and the eighth shot will jump back to the camera on the right-hand side,

the ninth shot will use the camera on the stage, but it will slightly zoom out.

the tenth shot will be using a camera on the left-hand side, it will rotate and zoom out.

the eleventh shot will use the camera on the left-hand side and face to the audience. and then zoom out and raise up.