Collaborate project week4

this week I going to start the blocking part, so I cut the videos as references in Premiere pro. my previs video will set around 2 min long.

the reference video included the soundtrack and the video part, it included my camera shot reference, and my animation reference.


I import the reference into my scene file and start to blocking Jennie’s rig, the first trouble that because of the lighting, I found in my reference video the downstairs part in the reference is too hard to be seen, so I need to find another reference that shows how the body will move when a woman wearing high heels to downstairs.

this video clearly shows the motion of leg and foot. when you wear high heels the rotation of the feet elbow will more exaggerated than wearing normal shoes.

when the feet attach to the ground, the feet are outward.

the next part of my character’s animation is model walking, the main point is her pelvis movement is big.

and every step is in a straight line.

she used her upper arm’s joint to wave her arms, the lower arm’s joint actually doesn’t move that much. and the upper arms keep tighten up to her body, the lower arms’ direction are outward. the feature of a model walking in the arm’s move exaggerated than normal walking, the upper body will not move too much they using their shoulder to control every movement. and I finished the model walking part this week.