Collaborate project week3

this week are using the assets to create the scene of our music festival project. Abbie creates a folder on LCC render Maya workspace, this folder allows us to work on the same file and check other files if someone needs help.

our files are divided into 15 folders, which help us to organize the materials we need.

our scene will place in a natural surrounding, I create the plate as ground, and find suitable PBR texture to add to it. and add the music stage, decorations, my main character, and bg characters to my scene.

while I was creating the scene, Abbie met some problem with her ground, she wants it could be a lawn, but the texture can’t show up correctly. At first, I thought she wants more realistic grass, but I realized is her texture file goes wrong, so I reload another PBR texture to fix this problem.

my main character is Jennie, her texture makes her look too sleek, when we have one to one meeting with Luke, Luke taught me how to adjust the attribute to get matte skin.

the way to adjust her skin is to go to the panel of the skin texture and turn down the reflectivity and Specular Roll-off, and turn up the eccentricity and diffuse.

I set the characters and environment done, and this is how my scene looks like.