Collaborate project week2

the second week Mariana and I start to find the models we think are the style we want and they have nice facial rig and body rig.

we have a meeting again, and Abbie shares her stage design with us.

we love the third stage, cause we want to create a unique music festival, we have three stages, every one of us will pick an artist we like to animate. Abbie will pick a DJ, and Kenneth will help her to create her stage music. Mariana will pick Michael Jackson and I will pick Beyonce. But the camera position and style in the image, we will not use, we will think a new plan to place the camera.

I book a one to one meeting with Mehdi, cause I find some tutorials about Houdini, it seems Houdini can create an audience in a convenient way, Mehdi taught me how to create an audience in Houdini, and what kind of file format is possible to import into Houdini, after the one to one meeting, I share Mehdi’s file with our group mate.

On Wednesday’s course with Luke, Luke told us the previs project timeline. we decided to get something done.

I finding Beyonce’s music festival performance, and make the screenshot into my storyboard, the storyboard shows, how I want the camera to go on, What performance I want my model will act, how my stage and lighting will look like, but the storyboard is still not completed, I need to add the camera information to it, and how long every shot will be.

and I draw a map to show my character path will be.

the first change of beyonce’s position.
the second change of beyonce’s position
the third chage of beyonce’s position
the fourth change of beyonce’s position
the last change of beyonce’s position
the hole path look like