Particles pratices in Houdini

my final particles practices video.

there are several things that need to be noticed when you are making particles.

the number of the force of gravity.

there is x, y, z three-axis to adjust the orientation of your gravity. for example the negative number on the y axis means the gravity is going down.

the pop wind velocity has x, y, z, three-axis too, it has a connection between the wind and the gravity, I adjust the attribute iteration to get the final particle movement I want.

when it switches to point mode, pop source Constant birth rate is used to adjust how many points been create on the object.

scatter’s force total count means the force to total count points of your model.

this is the final node

The amplitude is to add wave to the particle, and the swirl size is to add shaking effect on the particles.

At the start of the week three video, Mehdi adjust the particles attribute.

the old one look like
the new one look like
set the interpolate source into back
set inherit velocity into zero
keep substeps to one

when the animation play forward doesn’t change anything, click the button reset simulation in the pop net. it will recalculate everything. and I can get the movement of a particle without stepping.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-47.png

if you want to use the inherit velocity, keep it at 1. but raise the substep attribute to 2 or 3, the default suvstep attribute is 1.

there is some stepping but less than before.