KK Lighting week1

Last Friday KK comes and shares the first Lighting lesson with us. The first part, the introduction of the responsibility of lighting TD in VFX. As a Lighting TD, you will need to

  1. Assemble all the CG assets in the shot from the upstream department.

2. Design and implement lighting setup in shot

3. Create production-quality CGI with optimal render setting in respect to resource available.

4.provide compositing team with the CG render elements required to deliver the shot.

A lighting TD will need to overall planing most of the project from upstream departments. and the main responsibility is to design and implement lighting setup in different shots, and find the optimal render setting.

skill requirement

4 main parts to understanding real-world lighting and photography. Three-point Lighting can be divided into Key light, key light is the main resource of light in the shot. Fill light is used to fills into the key light shadow area and the rim light is to help for separating the object from the background.

Lighting Ratios are used to describing the lighting contrast.+1 stop is to double the amount of light and -1 stop is to reduce half amount of light.

1:1 Ratio 1:1 is perfectly flat—no difference in brightness between highlight and shadow

2:1 Ratio is one stop

4:1 is two stops

and so on…

High-key lighting, the stop difference between the object’s key side and fill side is subtle. and low contrast ratio.

Low-key lighting, the stop difference between the object’s key side and fill side is distinctive and high contrast ratio.

there are different tools that help to modify the lighting.

reflector helps to bouncing the light into the shadow side.

the flag is used to block the light to increase the contrast.

quality of light source, there is hard light and soft light.

the color temperature helps to shape the surrounding to divided day or night, exterior or interior.

gobo lighting is placing an object to get a silhouette on your obeject.

catchlight is to get the extra reflection on the corneas.

these techniques have their own purpose,

three-point lighting—–position and the direction of the different light sources.

high-key and low-key lighting——the contrast ratio of the key and fill on the subject.

hard and soft lighting——–transistion from the light area to shadow area.

color temperature—— define the time and space of shot is taking place in the story.

creative lighting——-adding complexity to the shot.

about the physically-based render simulating light need to the illumination of light and the shadow’s direction, and the behavior of light on different material.

path tracing is to use applications like Arnold, redshift, RenderMan to tracing the light and shadow path.

CG lights have direct light, point light, spotlight, cylinder light, disk light, and quad light photometric light, and mesh light.