3D Equalizer

Last Friday, Dom teach us how to use 3D Equalizer to add points in the videos and create a position of the camera. To me, the 3D equalizer is really hard, but Dom teaches us to step by step and makes it much easier.

the first step is to set up the camera and import your video.

then save your video and export buffer compression file, and all of your video frames will be shown on the timeline, and the video can be play normally.

Then you could add points to the image, make sure finding a high contrast place, to add your point. When you are adding points, there are few things you need to notice, don’t add points on the image with light effect, or water, better add points on an untransparent place. Every point you add needs to track and remember to hit un track, to end it. Better stop tracking before the precision bar turns orange or red. The same as the tracking area is out of the frame, it is incorrect.

you can adjust the color control to adjust the contrast of your image to make it easier to add tracking points.

After that hit ctrl +F5 to turn in to a different version, to see how the point turns into a motion trail.