Design of story development

The story as a circle

Every story’s basic structure is the same, Dam Harmon created an eight-step story circle. To bring the circle into the most basic one is to be divided into two parts, start to finish, and growth and change. The basic sense is the ordinary world and the special world. Dam Harmon layout three dualities like life and death, consciousness and unconsciousness, order and chaos, these dualities rely on each other, and at the end, the story goes back, it creat some kinds of balance. Going back to the eight-step story circle, 1. you 2. need 3. go 5.find 6. take 7.return 8. change. these are the major source of drama, first line is from an old place fit into a new situation. The second line is the struggle of their inner problem and finally, they choose to face it.

In addition to these, Dam believes that all the story has rhythm if the story matches people’s beat, it will send the reader on a brief trip and their unconscious back, people will think this is a good story. A good story is good for our mental health and helps us to communicate with our friends or family circle.

The story as a arc

Many stories followed a simple arc, the start part is exposition, it introduces the setting, the characters, the problem they face. the second part is rasing action, it shows the characters struggle in their problem. the third part is the climax, the climax is the tense part of the story. The fourth part is falling action, which moves the plot from climax towards an ending. The fifth part is resolution, which shows the outcome of the climax. This arc makes the reader be curious about how the story ends.

character’s type

the first type is protagonist, they can be good or bad. The second type is antagonist, they always are bad but not in every case. The third type is the dynamic character, which means the character in growth or learning something. The fourth type is the static character, they don’t have any change, can’t learn from any things. The fifth type is a round character, they have conflict feeling, and realistic. The sixth type is a flat character, they are one-dimensional character.

top 10 villien, the bully, the dragon, which does all the dirty work. the vengeful, seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury, the fallen hero. the terrorist. the beast, the unhinged, mentally unbalanced. The machine, the equal.

the equilibrium creates the linear of story, it is equilibrium and un equilibrium goes to a new equilibrium.

Analised paprika

first stage: you, the protagonist Doctor Atsuko Chiba, begins using the machine illegally to help psychiatric patients outside of the research facility.

second stage: Paprika(Doctor Atsuko Chiba) and Detective Toshimi Konakawa want to find the theft.

third stage: Dreams and reality begin to merge. The dream parade runs amok in the city, and reality starts to unravel. Shima is nearly killed by a giant Japanese doll

fourth stage: she comes to terms with her repressed desires, reconciling herself with the part of her that is Paprika.

fifth stage: Paprika throws herself into Tokita’s body. A baby emerges from the robotic shell and consumes Inui, aging into a fully-grown combination of Chiba and Paprika as she does so, then fades away, ending the nightmare.

sixth stage: Shima still liv in the hospital, nearly die, and the villians are been caught by police.

seventh stage: Paprika still doing this job, using the machine illegally to help psychiatric patients.

eieghth stage: Doctor Atsuko Chiba become more lively and decied to show her love to Dr kosak.

the archtype of Paprika is a hero, Toshimi Konakawa is alliens , Inui Seijiro is a shadow, himuro kei si a trickster. Jinnai and Mr. Kuga the hernald.